How we can earn through websites - Adedeji A.

Ok, so here is a step-by-step formula on how you can start earning through your website:

Pay attention and at the end, you will be on your way to be making thousands each month.

This is me from a few months ago where I taught a 2-day workshop on how to use your website to generate leads and earn a passive income.

Step 1 — Come up with a topic

Ask yourself this: “What am I passionate about?”

This could anything like food, technology, sports, makeup, fashion, shoes, movies, books, etc.

Once you find a topic (and please take the time to find something you are super passionate about), write it down and save it!

Step 2 — Get a domain name

You need to find a good domain name that goes along with your topic and is catchy!

For example, if you want to talk about sports then your domain name can be something like (that is already taken but you can see how catchy it really is).

Please, do not get a free domain name. You are trying to earn money which means people have to give you their money. This requires a brand and a good reputation which will not be built with a free domain name.

You can get a domain name at GoDaddy for $0.99.

Step 3 — Get Website Hosting

You can do a quick Google search and find free hosting.

Or you can spend about $5 per month and get hosting from a company called HostMyte.

Why Should You Pay For Hosting?

A few things you will get with paid hosting compared to free hosting:

Better security

Faster loading time for your website

Bigger space

Easier to scale up your business and website

Step 4 — Install WordPress

WordPress is a free powerful tool that will make the creating of your website really easy.

Not only that but it will make blogging on your website very doable. (more about this later)

Go to YouTube and search “ Learn WordPress”

You will find super easy instructions on how to install it.

Now, you need a THEME/Skin for your Blog. Go here Theme Directory - Free WordPress Themes

To install the theme, Go to Youtube and search “ how to install WordPress themes.

Also, hosting companies like HostMyte, give you a one-click install to install WordPress on there.

Step 5 — Blogging

Content is key!

You need to live by that phrase.

On your website, you need to start writing articles (about 30–40 per day). I know this sounds crazy but again since you picked a topic you are passionate about, this shouldn’t be too hard.

For example, if you picked sports, you can write about the games that happened this week. Or your feelings about the coach’s or player’s performances. It’s an endless supply of things to talk about. (that’s like 3 topics to write about right there)

These articles don’t have to be anything fancy, quick 300+ words that flow together and is easy to read. (pretty much 5th grade level of writing)

If you have some money to spend, you can hire people in India, China, or even the Philippines to write articles for you. They can write 20–30 article or more per day for about $2–3 per article.

Why Blogging Is Important?

Two things will happen when you start blogging: your SEO rank (Google Ranks) will go up and more people will find and come to your website!

Step 6: Make Money

Finally, after all that hard work you have put in, it’s time to make money.

Note: You have only spent about $5 (or in some cases less than $1)

There are a few things you need to do to make money this way:

Capture leads on your website:

You need some type of form on your website that people can fill out to give you their name and email address.

Use a service like MailChimp or ContastContact to send these people emails about new articles, topics, news, etc. that has to do with your website.

Sell the products to these leads:

Once you have sent a few emails out to these people, you have gained their trust. Now you can start selling them products.

What to sell:

You can have Google Adsense on your website. This is Google placing ads on your website. Everytime someone clicks on the ad you will make a $0.25–5.

Amazon Affiliate Program, you can sign up to sell items from Amazon from your website. When someone buys a product using your link on your website, Amazon will pay you a percentage.

Write an eBook and sell it to the leads your captured.

Sell merchandise. This can be stickers, t-shirts, and more to people that are reading your articles.

Do Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide

This is not something that will happen overnight. This will take about 2–3 months for you to do and start making money. But you if you put in the work then you will make thousands of dollars per month easily.

If you need help or advice with any type of business or make money idea, I would love you come back to this website for more information or add me on Facebook.

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