An interview with the CEO of ESSIEHAIR COLLECTIONS

An interview with the CEO of ESSIEHAIR COLLECTIONS

Rep from newscollect247 : Can we meet you ? 

Okay, my name is Onabajo Esther. I'm from Ogun state and I'm the CEO of ESSIEHAIR COLLECTIONS.

Interviewer : So tell us how do you come up with the name of your company/Business?


The name Essie... Before I started I've been trying to come up with a name but it wasn't coming, then I ran into a long time friend, instead of calling me Esther, he called me Essie...

Then I remember that's what my mum calls me, so I decided to go for the name..

And that's how I came up with the name EssieHair Collections

When did you start your Business?

I started last year June.

28ths of June 2021

Why did you decide to become a business owner ?

Well, to be my own boss😌 This particular business has always been what I wanted, and it's what I intend to start up after school but   I decided to start early to be able to shape up before I finish school..

What services or products do you offer?

Luxury human hair wigs and human hair blends.

The hairs are also available in bundles

NC respond : Wow, I'm so impressed. 

Waiting for this to go internationally.

What was your mission at the start of your company ?

To sell quality human hair at affordable price..

There was someone I got to know sometimes back, she messaged me concerning a particular she got for a higher price, and as expected, the hair ought to be a human hair and but when she got it, it turned out to be synthetic hair..

And it dawned on me , that I can provide good hair even at an affordable price..

The mission is to make my customers wear good hair at affordable price with confidence


What's is unique about your company?

Customer relation and it's exactly what you order,you'll get.

How much time do you spend Working on your business each day ?

The time varies tho but I'm always available but I'm the only one doing the work for now

How would you describe your company's success so far?

Well, so far since I started there has been some progress...

When I started, there were more challenges on sales, the location and trust but so far, sales has increased and we've figured how to go about with the location and for trust issues, customers would like to do a video call and even the company offer to do the video call sometimes to assure the customers.

So how do you advert your business?

For adverts, I use social media

Your relationship status?

I'm single

What piece of advice would you give to youths who want to become entrepreneurs?

It take patience and consistency because starting up is always not really easy...

My advice is that they don't give up no matter what..

Who has been your greatest Inspiration/Role model ?

An affiliate marketer, Akinklami Praise

What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

The top 3 skills... Hmmm

I'll say good communication

Critical thinking

And I'd add confidence...

For the confident, one need to know about his/her business and be able to talk about it.

Lastly If you had a magic stick, which are the three things you would change in Nigeria?

The government,

Help people suffering,

I'll make Nigeria a better place to be.

Wow I'm so so impressed. thank you for your time. It's nice meeting the CEO of ESSIEHAIR COLLECTIONS.🤝

Thank you so much

I'm so honoured🤗🙇‍♀️

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  1. Wow, I'm impressed too Good luck and I pray for great progress concerning you and your business!
